Secure Document Destruction Disposal

Secure Document Destruction can be relied upon for your complete business data destruction and recycling needs.

Bins On Site Fast
Delivered To Site Fast!
Highest Possible Security
Certified, Endorsed and Secure.
Pickup or On-Site
Convenient and Easy Service.
Simple Booking Process
We Guide You Through Every Step.
Australia's Most Trusted
The Most Experienced Company.
Customer Obsessed
We Solve Problems for You.

Secure Document Destruction E-Waste Disposal Services

We take care of all your document destruction and electronic waste disposal requirements, recycling all waste material once the destruction is complete. We also have a Secure Hard Drive & ICT Media Destruction service division, shredding your drives into tiny pieces of debris, totally eliminating any chance of data retreival.

All our services are free of any setup fees and are available on a no contract basis. Term Contract options are available at special rates for businesses requiring a dedicated, on-going service.

Certified Document Destruction

NAID, AAA, PSPF Certified Shredding at Our Secure Facility

When you book an on-site destruction job, we come to you, so there's no need to leave the premises. Our drivers come to you and we manage everything.

Office Waste Removal

Professional Office  Waste Collection Office Cleanouts

Availability of the right equipment for proper physical destruction of any security protected attractive asset like HDs, weapons, uniforms and systems from end-of-life vehicles

Secure Document Destruction Disposal Services

We take care of all your document destruction and electronic waste disposal requirements, recycling all waste material once the destruction is complete. 

All our services are free of any setup fees and are available on a no contract basis. Term Contract options are available at special rates for businesses requiring a dedicated, on-going service.

Full Range of Lockable and Disposable Security Bins To Suit Every Situation

Secure, Convenient & Easy

SDD will help your business comply with federal policy. According to the Australian Government's National Privacy Principles (NPP), an organisation must take reasonable steps “ destroy and permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed...” We will shred your documents at our secure facilility with viewing by appointment.

No Setup Fees
Get started without paying a huge setup fee like at other providers
No Lock-In Contracts
Don't get locked in somewhere else. We work to keep you happy!
Service Within 24 Hours
Almost all of our new clients are up and running and bins on site in 24 hours.
Competitive Rates
We provide great quality, high-value service at great rates.
Shredded w/ SCEC Equipment
Your waste is shredded using SCEC endorsed equipment
We are NAID Members
NAID processes ensure your destruction is done properly, every time.

The Highest Possible  Industry Endorsments for Destruction Disposal

Book Your Document Destruction  Job with SHDD Now.

Our experienced Secure Destruction team are ready to speak to you and help guide you through the process now.